Spraying Kitchen Cabinets vs. Painting: Which is the Best Option for Your Home?

spraying kitchen cabinets vs painting

When it comes to renovating your kitchen, the cabinets play a crucial role in setting the overall aesthetic and feel of the space. Homeowners often find themselves asking, “Should I spray paint or hand paint my kitchen cabinets?” Both methods have their pros and cons, but one typically stands out depending on your goals.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll compare spraying kitchen cabinets and traditional brush or roller painting. We’ll explore the advantages of each, how they impact the final look, and help you determine which option is best for your kitchen makeover. We’ll also provide internal links to more resources, such as our spraying kitchen cabinets page and the article on Expert Furniture Spray Painters in Edinburgh for additional insights.

Let’s dive into the battle of spray painting vs. traditional painting to help you make the best decision for your kitchen.

Why Should You Consider Updating Your Kitchen Cabinets?

Before we delve into the specifics of each method, it’s essential to understand why updating your kitchen cabinets is a worthwhile investment. Kitchen cabinets are not only functional but also serve as a primary visual element in your kitchen. Over time, the finish on cabinets can wear down, making them look outdated or worn. Instead of replacing them, you can update them through painting or spraying, which is a cost-effective and eco-friendly option that allows you to keep your current cabinetry while giving them a fresh, modern look.

Benefits of Updating Kitchen Cabinets:

  • Cost Savings: Cabinet replacement can be expensive. Refinishing your cabinets is often a fraction of the cost.
  • Quick and Non-Intrusive: Cabinet refinishing is quicker and less disruptive than a full renovation.
  • Customization: Refinishing gives you the flexibility to choose colors and finishes that match your style and kitchen layout.
spraying kitchen cabinets

Spraying Kitchen Cabinets: The Modern Solution

Spraying kitchen cabinets involves using a spray gun to apply an even layer of paint or finish onto the cabinet surfaces. This method is popular among professional painters because it provides a flawless finish and ensures that every inch of the cabinet is evenly covered.

What is Spray Painting?

Advantages of Spray Painting Kitchen Cabinets

  1. Professional, Flawless Finish
    Spray painting delivers a completely smooth and even surface, free from brush marks, drips, or uneven textures. This method is ideal if you want a high-end, factory-like finish.
  2. Faster Application
    Spraying covers large areas quickly, making it ideal for large kitchen projects. It can also access intricate details and corners without leaving streaks or imperfections.
  3. Durability
    Spray painting often involves using specialized paints that bond more effectively to the surface, resulting in a more durable finish. Kitchen cabinets are exposed to high levels of humidity, grease, and daily wear and tear, so durability is critical.
  4. Even Coverage
    Since spray painting allows for even distribution of paint, it prevents issues like drips, runs, or patches. This method is also beneficial for achieving uniform color across multiple cabinets or surfaces.
  5. Better for Intricate Designs
    If your cabinets have intricate details or raised panel designs, spraying ensures that all nooks and crannies are properly covered without the buildup of excess paint.

Disadvantages of Spray Painting Kitchen Cabinets

  1. Requires Professional Equipment
    Spray painting requires specialized equipment, such as a high-quality spray gun, which can be expensive to purchase or rent if you’re doing it as a DIY project.
  2. Prep Work and Space
    Spray painting requires extensive prep work. Cabinets need to be removed, and the surrounding areas must be covered and protected from overspray. This can be more challenging in a home environment than in a workshop setting.
  3. Needs Proper Ventilation
    Proper ventilation is essential when spray painting because of the fine mist created during the process, which can be harmful if inhaled. This might limit your ability to complete the project indoors without proper preparation.

Traditional Painting: The Tried-and-True Method

What is Traditional Painting?

Traditional painting involves using brushes or rollers to apply paint to surfaces. It’s a method most homeowners are familiar with, and while it may not have the sleek finish of spray painting, it has been used for decades with excellent results.

Advantages of Traditional Painting

  1. DIY Friendly
    Traditional painting is often the go-to method for DIYers. It requires basic tools such as brushes, rollers, and painter’s tape, making it accessible for most people.
  2. Less Prep Work
    Compared to spray painting, traditional painting requires less prep work. You don’t need to worry about overspray or setting up a special area for painting, especially if you’re painting the cabinets in place.
  3. Less Equipment
    Traditional painting doesn’t require any specialized or expensive equipment, making it a more cost-effective option if you already have painting supplies on hand.
  4. Control Over Detail
    While spray painting covers large areas quickly, traditional painting allows for more detailed work in smaller areas. If you’re only touching up certain parts of the cabinets, a brush might provide more precision.

Disadvantages of Traditional Painting

  1. Brush Marks and Uneven Surfaces
    One of the biggest downsides of traditional painting is the potential for visible brush marks or uneven texture, especially if you’re inexperienced. Achieving a smooth finish requires careful technique and multiple thin layers.
  2. Time-Consuming
    Applying paint with a brush or roller can be time-consuming, especially if you have a large kitchen. Each coat must dry before applying the next, and achieving an even finish may require several coats.
  3. Limited Durability
    While traditional painting can still yield good results, it’s often less durable than spray painting. Paint applied with a brush may not bond to the surface as effectively as spray paint, leading to quicker wear and tear over time.
  4. Not Ideal for Intricate Designs
    If your cabinets have intricate details, it can be difficult to cover all areas evenly with a brush or roller. Excess paint can build up in crevices, causing an uneven or bulky finish.

Key Differences Between Spraying and Traditional Painting


Spray painting is generally faster than traditional painting. Once everything is prepped, the spray can cover large areas quickly, whereas traditional painting requires a more methodical approach, particularly when multiple coats are necessary.

Finish Quality

The finish is where spray painting truly shines. The smooth, uniform finish from spray painting is hard to replicate with brushes or rollers. If you’re aiming for a flawless, high-end look, spray painting is the way to go.

Skill and Experience

Traditional painting is more accessible for beginners, but it can be challenging to achieve a professional finish. Spray painting, on the other hand, requires experience and specialized tools to avoid common issues like overspray, but it produces a superior finish.


Spray painting typically results in a more durable and long-lasting finish. The paint used in spray applications is often more resistant to chipping, peeling, and general wear, which is critical in a high-traffic area like the kitchen.

Which Method Should You Choose for Your Kitchen Cabinets?

The choice between spray painting and traditional painting ultimately depends on your budget, skill level, and desired finish.

  • Choose Spray Painting if: You want a professional-looking, flawless finish, you have the budget to hire a professional, or you’re dealing with large kitchen cabinets with intricate designs.
  • Choose Traditional Painting if: You’re looking for a more affordable DIY option, you’re willing to put in the time and effort, and you’re okay with the possibility of visible brush strokes.

At LG Professional Spray Painting, we specialize in spray painting kitchen cabinets, delivering a high-quality, durable finish that will transform your kitchen. Visit our spraying kitchen cabinets page to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the perfect look for your home.

The Environmental Impact

spraying kitchen cabinets vs painting in edinburgh

Both spray painting and traditional painting can have environmental implications, primarily due to the use of solvents and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). However, many spray paint manufacturers now offer low-VOC or water-based paints that reduce harmful emissions. If environmental considerations are important to you, look for eco-friendly options in both spray and traditional paint.

For more information on how different types of paint impact the environment, check out this informative Wikipedia article on spray painting.

Conclusion: Spraying Kitchen Cabinets vs. Traditional Painting

In summary, both spray painting and traditional painting have their merits, but for most homeowners looking to refresh their kitchen cabinets, spray painting is the superior option. It offers a professional, smooth finish that is difficult to achieve with a brush or roller. While it requires specialized equipment and professional expertise, the results are well worth it. Traditional painting is still a good option for those on a tighter budget or those who prefer a hands-on approach to their projects.

For expert services in Edinburgh, visit our Expert Furniture Spray Painters in Edinburgh article to see how we can help you with your next kitchen or home improvement project.


Q: How long does spray painting kitchen cabinets take?
A: The entire process can take a few days, depending on the size of your kitchen and the complexity of the project. Prep work and drying times between coats are essential for the best results.

Q: Is spray painting kitchen cabinets more expensive than traditional painting?
A: Spray painting can be more expensive due to the cost of professional services and equipment, but it offers a higher-quality finish and longer durability, which may be more cost-effective in the long run.

Q: Can I spray paint my kitchen cabinets myself?
A: While it’s possible to DIY, spray painting requires skill, specialized equipment, and thorough prep work. Hiring a professional is often the best option for achieving a high-quality finish.

Q: What type of paint is best for spray painting kitchen cabinets?
A: Acrylic or latex-based paint is commonly used for spray painting kitchen cabinets. These types of paints are durable and provide a smooth finish. Additionally, some paints are designed specifically for cabinetry, offering greater resistance to wear and tear.

Q: How do I maintain spray-painted kitchen cabinets?
A: Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water is essential to maintain the finish. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbing pads that could damage the paint.